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2025 Optimist Club of Calgary Oratorical Scholarship Contest – ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS STARTING FEBRUARY 13TH

January 2 - March 9


Attention all Students –  Here’s your chance to win a Scholarship!

The Optimist Club of Calgary is again sponsoring an Oratorical Scholarship Contest for the 2024-25 school year. The contest is open to students under 19 years of age on October 1, 2024. Speakers will research, write, and present a four-to-five-minute speech on “How Optimism Has Guided Me Through Trying Times.”  We encourage students who have public speaking experience through school, church, Guides and Scouts, 4-H, Air Cadets, and other organizations and training programs, like Toastmasters Youth Leadership, to enter.

IMPORTANT – Entries will be accepted on a first-come basis starting at 8 am on February 13th, 2025, until contest positions are filled. The contest will have a maximum of 10 contestants.

To apply, download the Oratorical Contest Application below, complete it, and submit it via e-mail to Bob Steele, Oratorical Contest Chair, at ironmanb@telusplanet.net with the Subject “Oratorical Contest”. The entry must include a completed application form, signed by the entrant and their parent/guardian, a copy of proof of age, and a brief statement of the school, grade attended, and previous speaking experience.

ORATORICAL CONTEST APPLICATION FORM ==> 24-25_Oratorical_Application

When completing the application, please note the Sponsoring Club Name is the “Optimist Club of Calgary” and the Club Number is “13025”.


Beginning in 1928, the Optimist International Oratorical Scholarship Contest has become the longest-running program of Optimist International  The contest is designed for young people to gain experience in public speaking and provide them with an opportunity to compete for multiple post-secondary scholarships with a pre-assigned topic.

There are various levels of competition as outlined below:

  • OPTIMIST CLUB OF CALGARY IN PERSON CONTEST – Our club contest will be held on March 15th, 2025 at a location in Calgary still to be determined.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place participants receive a cash award and a certificate.  1st and 2nd place participants get the opportunity to compete in the Zone Oratorical Contest mentioned below.
  • ALBERTA ZONE CONTEST – This contest will be held in April 2025 (date and location to be determined) and will include participants from across Alberta. 1st and 2nd place participants will receive a certificate and the opportunity to compete in the District Oratorical Contest mentioned below.
  • DISTRICT 13 ORATORICAL CONTEST (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana, and NW Wyoming) –  This contest will be held on May 3rd, 2025 starting at 10:30 AM in Red Deer, Alberta (location to be determined).  There will be 6 participants competing at this event – two participants each from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana/Northern Wyoming.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place participants will receive post-secondary scholarships from the Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation of $2,500, $1,500, and $1,000 respectively. The participant who places 1st will also be invited to the Great Plains Regional Oratorical Contest mentioned below.
  • GREAT PLAINS REGIONAL CONTEST – This contest will be held on July 17, 2025, at Optimist International Headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri.  The 1st place participant receives a $5,000 scholarship and the opportunity to compete in the World Oratorical Contest mentioned below. Students may compete in person, or online using the Zoom platform.
  • WORLD ORATORICAL CONTEST – This contest will be held on July 18, 2025, at Optimist International Headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri.  The 1st place participants from each of the Regional Oratorical Contests across Optimist International will compete in the 2025 World Championship Contest.  1st, 2nd, or 3rd place participants from this contest will receive a scholarship of $15,000, $10,000, or $5,000 respectively.  Participants may compete in person, or online using the Zoom platform.

For more information, please click on the following links:




January 2
March 9
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Optimist International is recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all youth and helps them develop to their full potential.

© 2025 Optimist Club of Calgary